Netherlands Arbitration Institute
The NAI offers arbitration, binding advice, and mediation services to resolve your commercial dispute efficiently. Arbitration is a fast, expert, and effective alternative to state court litigation and the standard for international dispute resolution. Read more about why you should opt for NAI arbitration.
2024 NAI Arbitration RulesThe NAI distinguishes itself in the following ways
- NAI arbitration is fast and efficient. With an average duration of less than nine months to obtain a binding and final decision, NAI arbitration enables you to resolve disputes quickly so you can get on with your business.
- NAI arbitration is fair value. Parties save on lawyers’ fees because a dispute is resolved in a matter of months instead of many years. Moreover, if a party is successful the other party is usually ordered to pay the costs of the arbitration, including the lawyers’ fees of the successful party. Notably, NAI arbitration is less expensive than ICC or LCIA arbitration.
- Enforceable interim relief with no need to commence proceedings on the merits? Save time, costs, and company resources with NAI summary arbitral proceedings.
Latest news & events
Meld je nu aan voor de cursus vonnisschrijven en de arbitercursus
📢Meld je nu aan voor de vernieuwde NAI arbitercursussen: 📅 NAI cursus vonnisschrijven op 15 november en 17 december 2024 📅 NAI arbitercursus op 9 december 2024
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Today, the NAI celebrates its 75 years anniversary. We look forward to celebrate this important milestone with our users. #nai #netherlandsarbitrationinstitute #arbitration #mediation #bindingadvice #rotterdam #disputeresolution
Read moreAviation & ADR round table in Rome
Flying into the opportunities of ADR in the aviation sector. Yesterday in Rome, Sofia Paoletta spoke at the round table discussion about the Hague Court of Arbitration for Aviation as suan ADR opportunity for users in the aviation sector.
Read moreNAI names new General Director / Secretary General
📢 As of 16 June 2024, Tomas Vaal will be the General Director / Secretary General of the Netherlands Arbitration Institute (NAI). For the full post and video click 👇 #nai #netherlandsarbitrationinstitute #arbitration #mediation #bindingadvice #efficient #ADR #disputeresolution #generaldirector #secretarygeneral
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