Commence an online NAI proceeding

Introduction | How do I commence NAI proceedings?

You initiate NAI proceedings by submitting an application to the NAI Secretariat. An application can be submitted online by following the steps below. In addition, it remains possible to submit an application by e-mail.

Step 1 | Fill in an NAI application form

The NAI has prepared standard pdf application forms for submitting an application. By using these forms, you can be sure that the application meets the requirements laid down for it. You can download the pdf forms from the links below.

ArbitrationArbitrageaanvraag bodemprocedure-formulier
Aanvraag arbitraal kort geding-formulier
Request for arbitration on the merits form
Request for emergency arbitration form
MediationMediationaanvraag formulierRequest for mediation form
Binding adviceBindendadviesaanvraag formulier
Benoeming van een bindend adviseur formulier
Binding advice form
Appointment of a binding advisor form

It is also possible to prepare an arbitration application in Word and then convert it to pdf. Make sure that the application meets the requirements of the relevant NAI Rules (see, for example, Article 8 of the NAI Arbitration Rules).

Step 2 | Submit an online application on the NAI arbitration platform

You can submit an online application using the button below. You are requested to upload the following documents:

  • the application (this can be the NAI application form above or a self-prepared application)
  • the agreement referring to the NAI, e.g. an arbitration agreement
Submit an application online on the NAI arbitration platform.

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If you cannot figure it out, do not hesitate to contact us. We will then contact you at short notice to help.

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