NAI 75 years | The NAI moves with the times


For 75 years, the NAI has been promoting arbitration, binding advice and mediation in the Netherlands. In particular, the NAI does this by facilitating arbitrations, mediations and binding advice proceedings and contributing to their efficient conduct and quality. Since its establishment in 1949, the NAI has demonstrated its ability to move with the times and always respond to the needs of NAI users. The NAI celebrates this important milestone with reflection, high-profile events and a look at the future.

How it all began

Founded on 22 June 1949 by, among others, Prof R.P. Cleveringa and Prof P. Sanders, the NAI has a rich history. Prof P. Sanders’ reflections on the NAI’s early years, which he wrote in 1999, can be read here. Noteworthy among these is his view of the NAI’s future: an increasingly important role for the international aspects of the NAI.

Go to the NAI history page

The NAI hopes to welcome you in large numbers at the events below. Keep an eye on the NAI website and the NAI’s LinkedIn page for more information. If you have any questions, please let us know at

NAI 75 years events

15 March 2024Launch of the 2024 NAI Arbitration RulesTarget audience: NAI users
Language: Engels
Location: Raadzaal Gemeente Den Haag (Spui 70) en Moya tapasbar (Plein 14).
Time: 14.00u – 17.30u
10 April 2024Ondernemingsrecht en 75 jaar NAI-arbitrageTarget audience: lawyers
Language: Dutch
Location: Loyens & Loeff Amsterdam ( Parnassusweg 300)
Time: 14.00u – 18.00u
22 April 2024“NAI 75 jaar | een instituut is zo goed als haar alumni”Target audience: members of NAI bodies and invited alumni
Language: Dutch
Location: Mevrouw Meijer, Rotterdam
Time: 19.00u – 23.00u
10 October 2024NAI 75 years on pole positionTarget audience: NAI user (upon invitation)
Language: Dutch
Location: Circuit Zandvoort
Time: 16:00u – 23:00u
24 October 2024NAI under 40 / NAI Jong Oranje | ‘The Next Generation of Disputes in International Commercial Arbitration’Target audience: NAI users under 40
Language: English
Location: Staunch (De Lairessestraat 129, Amsterdam)
Time: 16.00 – 19.00hrs
23 January 2025 NAI en het Nederlands Genootschap van Bedrijfsjuristen (NGB) | 75 jaar efficiente geschillbeslechting voor het bedrijfslevenTarget audience: in-house counsel
Language: Dutch
Location: TBD
Time: TBD
27 February 2025Launch of the English bundle: NAI 75 years of Going Dutch
Target audience: NAI users (foreign)
Language: English
Location: TBD
Time: Afternoon

Professor Gerard Meijer, president of the NAI Executive Board, about the NAI.